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Zero Downtime Migration Installation

This article shows how to install the Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM) 21.4 software.


Overview of all the different prerequisites for ZDM.

ZDM Host​

The ZDM software can either be installed on a compute instance running on OCI or a server/vm running on-premises but the ZDM host must be able to connect to both, the source and the target database servers.

Supported O/S​

  • Oracle Linux 7
  • Oracle Linux 8
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8


Make sure the host has at least 100GB of free storage space available.


Make sure the following packages are installed on the system:

  • Oracle Linux 7:

    • expect
    • glibc-devel
  • Oracle Linux 8:

    • unzip
    • expect
    • glibc-devel
    • libnsl
    • ncurses-compat-libs
    • libaio
    • oraclelinux-developer-release-el8
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8:

    • unzip
    • expect
    • glibc-devel
    • libnsl
    • ncurses-compat-libs
    • libaio

O/S user​

Create a new group and user on the ZDM host:

groupadd zdm
useradd -g zdm zdmuser


Create ZDM base and home directories:


mkdir -p /u01/zdm/zdmhome
mkdir -p /u01/zdm/zdmbase
chown -R zdmuser:zdm /u01/zdm

User Environment​

Add the following lines to the o/s user environment file to set ZDM_HOME, ZDM_BASE and the PATH after login:

export PATH=$PATH:$ZDM_HOME/bin


Perl is required on the ZDM host to run the install script. For sources also the latest Perl patch 5.28.2 needs to be installed.


These are the steps to install Zero Downtime Migration:

  1. Download the Zero Downtime Migration software.

  2. Copy the downloaded zip file to your zdm server to a directory owned by the zdm o/s user for example /u01/zdm/zdminstall

  3. Unzip the software zip file and cd into that new extracted directory

  4. Execute the Zero Downtime Migration installation script
    (Ignore any messages about executing root scripts at the end of the installation)

    ./ setup oraclehome=$ZDM_HOME oraclebase=$ZDM_BASE ziploc=$PWD/

    ziploc is the location of the compressed zdm zip file ( included in the downloaded software file. For example: /u01/zdm/zdminstall/zdm21.4/

  5. Start the ZDM service

    $ZDM_HOME/bin/zdmservice start

Verify Installation​

  • Check the status of the ZDM service:
$ZDM_HOME/bin/zdmservice status
Example output of zdmserivce status
Service Status

Running: true
Conn String: jdbc:mysql://localhost:8899/
RMI port: 8897
HTTP port: 8898
Wallet path: /u01/zdm/zdmbase/crsdata/zdmhost/security
  • Check the ZDM version:
$ZDM_HOME/bin/zdmcli -build
Example output of zdmcli -build
full version:
patch version:
label date: 221207.25
ZDM kit build date: Jul 31 2023 14:24:25 UTC
CPAT build version: 23.7.0