GoldenGate Marketplace Docker Setup
Setup of the Oracle GoldenGate Marketplace Docker image for Oracle database migrations with Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM)
The docker image can be used for a period of 183 days for free when used to migrate Oracle databases to Exadata Cloud@Customer with ZDM.
Environment Setup​
The following resources are used in this demo to setup the GoldenGate Marketplace Docker Image:
- Compute Instance (Oracle Linux 7)
- Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle - Database Migrations Marketplace Installation
(This is necessary for the download of the docker image and can be shutdown once the docker image is copied)
GoldenGate Docker Image​
- After provisioning the Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle - Database Migrations Marketplace Image navigate to the following folder:
- Here you will find the docker image as a tar file including the release and version in the name for example:
- Use scp or sftp to copy the docker image from the marketplace compute image to the target compute instance.
1. Engine Installation​
On the Oracle Linux 7 compute instance execute the following command to install the docker engine.
sudo yum install docker-engine docker-cli
Enable the docker engine:
sudo systemctl enable --now docker
Check the status of the docker engine:
sudo systemctl status docker
Show docker information:
sudo docker info
2. Load Image​
To load the GoldenGate docker image execute the following steps:
Show current image list
sudo docker image list
Load the GoldenGate docker image
sudo docker load < ./ora21c-219000.tar
Show current image list
sudo docker image list
oracle/goldengate b7c8749e9b50 3 months ago 2.23GB
3. Run Image​
To run the image as a container use the following docker command. Port 443 is specified and exposed to allow access to the GoldenGate web user interface.
sudo docker run --name ogg219 -p 443:443 oracle/goldengate:
4. Oggadmin Password​
After executing the docker run command the password for the ggadmin is displayed. Make a note of the password. This is used to login in the GoldenGate web user interface with the oggadmin
-- Password for OGG administrative user 'oggadmin' is '<pwd>'
5. Login to GoldenGate​
This oggadmin
user and the password can now be used to login to GoldenGate. Open a Web Browser and connect to the GoldenGate compute instance IP or hostname.
https://<ipaddress or hostname>
Accept any possible SSL certificate errors in your browser.
*In case you are using Google Chrome click anywhere in the browser window and enter: thisisunsafe
To Change the password of the oggadmin user have a look at the GoldenGate Marketplace Installation article.
After the login you should see 4 services running. Note that the default Deployment name for the GG docker image is Local
. This is the name that needs to be specified in tools like Zero Downtime Migration or OCI Database Migration for the Deployment Name parameters.
Parameters for DMS / ZDM​
The following relevant GoldenGate parameters are used in OCI Database Migration and Zero Downtime Migration:
- GoldenGate Username
Installation Default:oggadmin
- GoldenGate URL
https://<ipaddress or hostname>
- Source Deploymentname
Installation Default:Local
- Target Deploymentname
Installation Default:Local
Docker Commands​
Useful docker commands:
Show running containers
sudo docker ps
Show all containers
sudo docker ps -all
Start Container
sudo docker start ogg219
Connect to container
sudo docker exec -it ogg219 /bin/bash